it's been about a year so it's time for post #2. i guess i like to space out my posts so i have things to write about, and it makes it seem like my life is all a buzz with activity.
since starting this blogspot last summer, i've moved into my new digs. I LOVE IT! it's not too big, not too small; it's just right for me and all my junk. i was initially rushing to make it the perfect house, but i soon realized that houses are on-going projects the you're continually working on, tweaking, and making your own. that's part of the fun. i also quickly ran out of money to make anymore drastic changes. i am completely moved in, though, and there is furniture in every room so it's definitely a "home" already, my home. ☼Ü☼
in march, i made my annual pilgrimage to sunny miami for the winter music conference. this is probably the fifth year i've ventured to south beach to party-harty. for those that don't know, the winter music conference is a meeting of the minds for those in the dance music industry. i, obviously, am not one of those individuals, but pretty much every dj in the world descends on south florida for this conference and there are, therefore, countless pool parties, festivals, and club events to go hear some good tunes. it's always a good time, and this year was no different. next year, however, i'm thinking i'll trade in my dancin' shoes for some flip flops and take a week long vacation at nice beach somewhere.
i know in my last blog i was going on about my "new" job at the time, a math specialist. well, that's what i've been doing for the last 9 or 10 months, and i quickly discovered it wasn't my cup of tea. i've learned a lot from being a math specialist this year, but when a position opened up at my old school to be the counselor there, i had to give it shot. i applied, interviewed, and got the position. soooooooooooooooo, come mid-august, i'll be going back to my old stomping grounds to be a school counselor. for the first time in a few years, i can honestly say i'm stoked about my job. i can't wait to get started. i think being a school counselor is definitely where my passion will be, and i'm also thinking it may be a stepping stone to pursuing some aspirations of being a marriage and family counselor or drug counselor or something along those lines. whatever comes of it, i'm very, very excited!
i think that pretty much covers it. things with eden (the boyfriend) are going peachy keen. he's a really decent guy, to say the least. he actually seems to like all of my little "quirks" like when i tell him all the labels to the canned goods need to be facing forward or when i tell him specific directions on how to load the dishwasher. even I think i'm irritating sometimes, but he just laughs it off. i guess that's when you know you've found someone worth keepin' around, when you're neuroses are endearing. enough mushy stuff though.
i hope this satisfies everyone's "appetites" for what's been happening with me. i'll try to make posting on here more than an annual event.
lots o' love,